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Why award-winning websites are so awful
Practical and functional websites rarely win prizes for design but they do win sales and make profits
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Ten Sad Signs Your Writing is Web-Influenced
Rebecca over at SEOmoz on whose writing has clearly been influenced by the Web
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What makes a good website?
Some ideas about what makes a successful web site in the web environment these days.
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Flapjax: Functional JavaScript
Flapjax is a new programming language designed around the demands of modern, client-based Web applications
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Dealing with difficult people
Techniques for handling difficult people with tact and skill
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Caring about quality in our JavaScript libraries
What do we seem to care about in JavaScript libraries that come out?
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jQuery Image Gallery: Transitions, thumbnails, reflections
Ramin B. has put together yet another image gallery.
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SXSW Interactive Web Awards
Shawn O'keefe tells that this Friday, October 13th is the early entry deadline for the 10th annual SXSW Interactive Web Awards
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Design Patterns
Jenifer Tidwell on what's the best way to communicate a pattern
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What Is User Experience Design
User experience design can sometimes be a slippery term